Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jude Learns Magic, Plays Music with the Dallas Brass, and Makes Snow Forts

Ezra, I have good news.  Not really for you, but for me.  I had Chinese food last night.  It was rather delicious.  I ate a cream cheese wanton for you :)

I'm so mean...

Were they really expecting you guys to pay attention with a lack of people in the building and minuscule attention spans?  Silly, inattentive teachers... :)

So, we had to go back to school today.  It was actually quite a relief, for me any way.  The two snow days were fun, but I was getting really stir crazy!

So today, I got to have an earlier lunch hour, for reasons that I will explain in greater detail a little later... I abandoned Avery (I'm so sorry!) and ate lunch in the engineering room with Jack and Rosemary and her friend Sarah.  I watched an entire group of people play Magic-- it was really confusing, but they all seemed to know what they were doing, and I wasn't playing, so it's all good.

After lunch, I had to go into the auditorium for a band clinic with the Dallas Brass (we're playing with them at 7 tonight and I'm so psyched for that!  They are amazing and they were really impressed with the Wind Ensemble.  I have no idea what they thought about Concert or Symphonic band).  Any way, that's why I had a different lunch hour and I got to skip three of my classes today!

Oh yes!  Avery and I finished the snow fort that we started!  I'm not sure if we're going back to dig more (which would be cool, but I'm not sure if that snow mound we dug into will allow it).  I want to go back one of these days and at least get a picture so that you may see!

That's really cool that people at your school are still so upbeat even though there's a ton of snow there to get us all down.  Those people are amazing shining stars!

I think it's Avery's turn to post, since she hasn't posted anything yet.  Do you think we should assign days or something?  That might make things a little easier to do.  Since there's three of us, we could do Monday/Wednesday/Friday or something like that.  Tell me what you think!

In the meantime, I have to dress all in black and get ready for my concert!  I am so freaking excited, I cannot even

Have a good rest of the week!  Two more days until break!  Hurray!


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