About Jude

Alright, it's about time I got this done.

Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 20, 1993
Zodiac: The zodiac chart thing did not change me, I am still a Saggitarius!
Year in School: Junior in High School

Random Facts:

1) I play a couple instruments actively (bass clarinet and piano) and I've tried several others (alto clarinet, violin, bass guitar, guitar).

2) A few things on my bucket list are: Travel through Europe, Travel through Australia, and Swim with Manatees (among several hundred other things).

3) I am a book blogger at "...It's Like a Whirlwind Inside of my Head..."

4) My ultimate goals are to become a published author and to be a photographer for National Geographic.

5) If the National Geographic dream should fail (but I really, really hope that it won't) I'd to try something in Psychology, Graphic Design, Film, or possibly teaching.  The published author dream is not debatable.

6) My hobbies include photography, drawing, some painting, writing, blogging, reading, and watching YouTube/making videos.

7) One of my big New Years resolutions is to learn at least one new thing every month in the year 2011.  I call it the LONTEM Project.  I'm really excited about it!

Ummm.... yeah.  That's all I shall give you.  I'm sure more will come out as time wears on, though.  Have a good day!
