Perhaps you've heard the song...
I must rant about this song right now. Actually, both the song and the video. I cannot sleep until I do this...
So I did a Google search on Rebecca Black after seeing that video. Apparently, she's not the one that wrote this crap song called 'Friday.' That means I have a humongous grudge against not one, but two people. Possibly more, depending on who really wrote the song.
Back on track! I found out that Miss Black is thirteen years old, which raises a few questions for me. There's a part of the video where she's waiting for the bus when suddenly her friends drive up next to her.
I'll admit, there's a possibility that her friends are older. Maybe they met in second grade or something, but what second grader is going to befriend a fifth grader? What fifth grader is going to wake up in the morning and think, "I think I'll make friends with a second grader today"? There really isn't an opportunity for people of varying ages to meet each other in school until middle school-- that's when I got to know you guys better/become aware of your existence (sad, but true. And it's because of the grade level separation). To get to my point, Rebecca's friends are probably thirteen just like she is, so WHY ARE THEY FREAKING DRIVING?! What is this world coming to...?
Another point I'd like to bring up is the downfall of the English language. One of the lines is "we so excited." Every grammar freak must be cringing every time they hear that... these younger people are learning English this way. They must be. Grammar is not the cool thing and it makes me cry inside. Avery, this would be like if Ikhranhaji (I'm pretty sure I spelled her name wrong...) started talking like this, which I don't believe that she has before, unless it was jokingly.
Her voice. I cringe at that too. But apparently according to some internet articles that I've come across, she was asked to sing the national anthem on Good Morning America and she was fine. There was no auto-tune to kill her performance, but then they asked her to sing Friday again and she reverted back to her nasal voice. Maybe pop culture is twisting our views about what a voice is supposed to sound like. Thanks a lot, bad hip-hop music....
Another one, and I'm not going to elaborate on this one because it really relates to the driving thing... what parent is going to let a thirteen year old go out at NIGHT with a group of friends by themselves?
Okay, something less upsetting than this song.
Spring Break has officially begun! Hurray!!! Nine day of happy fun time! I have two college visits scheduled at the College of Visual Arts in St. Paul (which will be fun to tour, but I don't think I'll attend or even apply because they don't have any dorms and apartments at eighteen years old would be too much for me to handle on top of college) and also the University of Minnesota- Duluth (which I'm really excited about because I looooooove Duluth!)
Also, I got my letter from Step-Up and I'm officially in the program! I might actually get a job this summer, which would be so nice. I need a job so that I can do another music tour (maybe) and also go to France (slash Switzerland slash Italy) next year. Oh yeah, and that education thingy that's just around the corner.
Alright, I really need to go to bed now. If you haven't noticed, my arguing skills have pretty much gone downhill since the beginning of this post.
Avery, I'll text you later about Monday, and Ezra, perhaps we shall Facebook pretty soon!
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