Friday, January 28, 2011

Jude Is Rather Excited for Groundhogs Day As Well :)

Hey guys!

Have you ever seen the movie 'Groundhogs Day'?  If you haven't, it's pretty fun.  I highly recommend it!

I'm glad your Valentine's day has turned into something a little bit happier, Ezra!  I'm still going to send you both Valentine's though, just because they're fun :)  I've got plans for those little Valentines!

Crazy question, but do you guys remember when we were at Jefferson and they had these white paper bags that we were supposed to decorate for Valentine's day and then handing out Valentines was mandatory?  I'm kind of glad that that part of our lives is done... Singing Telegrams are much more fun!

I'll make sure there's a picture from before the dance taken and then I'll post it here afterwards. My height will be more proportional to Jack's this time (at least I hope)!

You know, the Jesus guy never said anything about Hitler.  I'm kind of glad he didn't, because I would have been a lot more freaked out if he had said it.

I've always wanted to mess with people that talked to me on the street.  I've never had the guts to actually do it though.  I've always contemplated speaking French to them, since more people know Spanish, I'm guessing, so they'd be more likely to be confused.  Hopefully that guy didn't bug you again after that, Ezra!

Avery, your brother comes home a lot!  And in the most interesting ways too :)  Congratulations on your engagement to your brother's friend!  Can I be a bride's maid?  I'm so excited!!!

So Avery, can you go to Underwater World?  If yes, we should figure out a date.  Jennifer Maloney can go too!  Hurray!  Yikes... admission is about $20 per person... what do you guys think about that?

I hate it when you have a favorite part of a movie and there's no screen shots online... it's really annoying!  Same thing with YouTube clips...

AJ is beautiful <3 !!!!!!!

Okay, I really must go to bed now... I have to get up to make who knows what kind of food tomorrow for a trip I'm not going on... oh well.  Someone else can benefit from the money so... yeah, either way I have to be somewhere to make food.

Night night!


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